Princess Panda - Makeup song


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Демо-мультипликация песни Принцесса Панда на английском языке

Спасибо каналу @Milusik Lanusik за прекрасную идею для песни.

Текст песни:

I have a lipstick
I have a highlighter
And I will sit
Under the lights of
My make-up table
And I will do
a Disney princess look
O-on my face with you! (whoo-whoo-whoo!)

I put a primer! Oh!
I used concealer!
My beauty blender, Oh!
Put on the blush
Look at the mirror, Oh!
I can't believe it -
Oh! my reflection!
Oh?! It's a smash!))

Look at the Panda, panda!
Who Dancing random-randomly!
My mirror wonders by my smoky eyes!

I'm princess panda-panda
And Dance in bamboo-bamboo!
My make up - out of standards
I like to improvise!

I'm princess Panda,
I'm eating bamboo
I'm dancing tango
And boogie-voo-gee
I like the parties
And rendezvous - oo!
I do the cutest look
On my face (whoo-whoo-whoo!)

I put a primer! Oh!
I used concealer!
My beauty blender, Oh!
Put on the blush
Look at the mirror, Oh!
I can't believe it -
Oh! my reflection!
Oh?! It's a smash!))

Автор песни: Вадим Копытов
Вокал и соавтор музыки: Екатерина Клубенко
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